Flying-foxes or bats? Well, both.

Flying-foxes are bats, in fact, they are the mega-bats in the bat family. Unlike the micro-bats which feed on insects, flying-foxes feed on rainforest tree fruit and Eucalyptus tree blossoms. Microbats use echolocation to track and catch insects whereas flying-foxes use their excellent night vision.

There are 4 mainland species of flying-fox: Black, Grey-headed, Spectacled and Little Red. Tragically flying-foxes across Queensland, NSW & Victoria are in decline. Some scientists believe they could be functionally extinct by 2050.

They're nomadic, intelligent & social

Flying-foxes are nomadic mammals and follow the flowering and fruiting of native trees along the Australian coast. Flying-foxes, like bees, are important pollinators and seed dispersers for many native trees. Their role has become increasingly important due to the highly fragmented nature of vegetation along Australia’s coastline, as a result of land clearing and other human-caused ecological pressures.

Flying-foxes are intelligent, social animals that live in large colonies or camps made up of family groups and individuals. Safety in numbers is vital for breeding and raising young. These camps act as stopover sites for migrating flying-foxes.