Girl Guides Sew 'Mumma Wraps' for Baby Bats as Drought, Heat and Fires Take a Toll

21 December 2019

Girl Guides sew 'Mumma wraps' for Baby Bats as Drought, Heat and Fires Take a Toll

By Erin Semmler from ABC News

Our poor little pollinators need all the help they can get. And our forests need all the help they can get from flying foxes to regenerate after these horrific fires. These gorgeous girl guides are helping to make a difference - everyone can, if you just seek out the carers in your home town, or WIRES. Whether it's money, time or supplies.

In the article Ms Kraatz said the animals are an important part of a healthy ecosystem."One bat can disperse up to 66,000 seeds a night and they're our only night time pollinator and most trees can only be pollinated at night because the stigmas only open at night," she said."We also need them now the fires have gone through to regenerate all those forests and to support all the other wildlife as well."In the end healthy ecosystems also support us, human life.

Read article from South Rockhampton Girl Guides: ABC Capricornia

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